What is Hemp?

First off, let’s clear up a common misunderstanding: industrial hemp is legal in the US and many other places. Plus, it won’t get you high. Keep reading to learn more about this incredible plant.

Hemp vs. Marijuana: Think of hemp and marijuana as cousins; related but not the same. They both come from the Cannabaceae plant family but are distinct varieties within the Cannabis genus, which includes cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis. Hemp belongs to the cannabis sativa strain, while marijuana can be from either sativa or indica strains.

marijuana 2

The simplest way to differentiate them is by their chemical makeup. For a plant to be legally considered hemp, it must have less than 0.3% THC (the compound that can cause a high). Marijuana has more than that, sometimes much more. Hemp, however, is rich in CBD, a legal compound that counteracts THC’s effects.

THC vs. CBD: Cannabis plants contain many cannabinoids, ranging from 60 to over 100. These compounds are either produced naturally by our bodies (endocannabinoids) or can be ingested (phytocannabinoids).

Cannabinoids support body functions like sleep, mood, memory, pain control, and immune response. The most talked-about ones are THC and CBD. THC is psychoactive and causes the high associated with marijuana use. CBD, on the other hand, supports our central regulatory system without causing intoxication and is extracted from hemp. You can even buy CBD cream 20,000mg strength. One of our favorite retailers is Quiet Monk CBD. With a variety of products including CBD muscle balm and salves .

How Hemp Grows: Industrial hemp thrives outdoors and is one of the most eco-friendly crops. It’s resilient, grows in various climates, and has a dense canopy that blocks sunlight, reducing the need for pesticides. Its deep roots prevent soil erosion, and it needs relatively little water. Hemp absorbs a lot of CO2, making it a ‘carbon negative’ material.

History of Hemp: Hemp has been cultivated for over 10,000 years, starting in Japan around 8,000 BC. It was used for its fiber, as food, clothing, and in shipbuilding. Hemp was a global commodity, highly valued across Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. In the 16th century, UK law required farmers to grow hemp. However, by the 19th century, its popularity declined due to cheaper cotton and global trade. Misunderstandings and laws in the 20th century further reduced hemp cultivation, but it was re-legalized in the UK in 1993.

history of hemp

Different Uses for Hemp: Hemp has a vast range of uses, estimated between 25,000 to 50,000. It’s used in textiles, food, beauty products, building materials, paper, fuel, and biodegradable plastics. Every part of the hemp plant is usable, contributing to its sustainability.

  • Seeds: Hemp seeds are nutritious, used in food, beauty products, and as a wood varnish.
  • Stalk fiber: Used in textiles, rope, and carpets.
  • Stem hurds: Used in building materials like ‘hempcrete’ and biodegradable plastics.
  • Leaves and flowers: Great for compost, animal bedding, teas, and salads.
  • Roots: Used in compost and some medicines.

Eating Hemp: Hemp seeds are a nutritional powerhouse, rich in protein, omegas, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. They can be eaten raw, used in oil form, made into milk, or turned into protein powder, offering a versatile, allergen-free food source.

Hemp Extract Vs CBD

Hemp extract and CBD are popular wellness ingredients that provide natural, plant-based approaches to pain relief and relaxation.

But what sets them apart? This depends on their respective extraction processes as well as what cannabinoids and terpenes they contain.

Both Contain Cannabidiol

cannabis cbd hemp cannabidiol

Both hemp and cannabis plants contain CBD (cannabidiol), a non-psychoactive compound that works with your endocannabinoid system to support various bodily functions. Hemp-derived CBD contains significantly less THC than marijuana and therefore legal to purchase and use in the US. Hemp-derived CBD can be found in:

  • oil drops
  • capsules
  • topical creams.

When taken as part of a supplement regiment, your body’s endocannabinoid receptors respond by decreasing pain or inflammation while decreasing anxiety, lowering blood pressure and alleviating nausea.

Extracted from both Hemp and Marijuana But…

CBD can be extracted from hemp and cannabis plants through various extraction processes, but hemp plants usually possess higher concentrations of CBD than marijuana, making hemp-derived products the more lucrative and safer choice for manufacturers. Nonetheless, the benefits of CBD do not differ between hemp- and marijuana-derived products as long as they comply with federal regulations.

Hemp extract is produced by pressing oil from raw hemp. This produces a versatile oil which provides multiple health and beauty benefits, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Hemp seed oil can be found in cooking or smoothie ingredients; beauty/health products like soaps/lotions/tinctures may also use it.

cbd oil

Hemp extract can be combined with natural plant compounds to produce CBD products like tinctures. When selecting a CBD product, it’s essential that third-party lab tests (such as Certificate of Analysis [COA]), confirm actual cannabinoid levels with those advertised by its label claims. Reputable companies submit all batches of their products for testing to ensure they’re free from contaminants or potentially hazardous chemicals; this way you know you are getting what you paid for!

Hemp Vs Cannabis – What’s the Difference?

Cannabis, commonly referred to by various names such as:

  • marijuana
  • hemp

They are both a flowering plant widely used both medically and recreationally for various reasons. Furthermore, its oil and fibers have numerous industrial applications as well. Though both come from the same species of plant life, there are significant botanical as well as legal distinctions between hemp and marijuana that make them different products.


Hemp is a variety of cannabis that has been developed specifically for industrial and agricultural uses. It can be found in thousands of products from food to textiles to plastics and construction materials; and can even serve as an invaluable source of CBD (cannabidiol), which offers numerous health advantages.

Cannabis is classified as a Schedule 1 drug

Although cannabis has many practical applications, it remains classified as a Schedule 1 drug under federal law due to the presence of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a psychoactive compound which produces psychoactive effects when consumed; THC causes users to experience an altered state of consciousness and is thus illegal in many states and countries.

Hemp is legal if under 0.3% THC

The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp cultivation for legal uses. Hemp is a species of Cannabis sativa with low levels of THC that won’t make you high, unlike marijuana plants containing more than 0.3% delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol or THC; any plants exceeding 0.3% THC cannot legally be grown within United States borders.

Hemp can also differ from marijuana by being dioecious – meaning it produces both male and female flowers – instead of self-pollinating like marijuana, which has only male flowers. Hemp also grows faster, reaching heights up to 10ft within just one season!

There is a difference in how they both look

Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana

Marijuana and hemp plants vary considerably when it comes to appearance as well. Hemp is taller and skinnier than its marijuana counterpart, boasting more narrow leaves with thinner stalks. Marijuana boasts bushier characteristics as it produces multiple blooms per plant.

Hemp has a rich history in America. George Washington advocated for its cultivation as it proved an indispensable cash crop that produced cloth and rope production; its first draft of the Constitution was even written on hemp paper! Additionally, hemp can also be used to produce food, fuel and bioplastics; thus making this plant an integral component of global economic development. As such, we should support legalizing it and reaping all its advantages.